About Us

Meet ProcTorr Investments

Peter & Lesley Torrance

ProcTorr Investments is a small family business owned and operated by Peter and Lesley Torrance. The business has roots dating back to 2005 when Peter bought his first  3-bedroom rental property in Calgary. Soon afterwards Peter and Lesley purchased several more investment properties in Canada and USA, as well as their first parcels of land in Florida.

In 2014 Peter & Lesley saw an opportunity to take their investing to the next level and Proctor-Torrance Corporation was incorporated in Canada and ProcTorr Investments, LLC in USA. Within a very short period of time ProcTorr Investments had successfully invested in Alabama, Missouri, Texas, Florida, Arizona and Colorado.

Peter says, “Investing in USA is no different than investing in Canada. ProcTorr Investments is in the marketing business, and once marketing has been mastered there are no borders or limits to where someone can invest. With partners on the ground in many states, ProcTorr Investments is free to invest anywhere there are opportunities.”

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